A time for pregnant women to gather and receive support and nourishment from “village” elders.

We, the “village elders” gather out of selfless service to support and encourage the instinctual life of pregnant women who are trying to birth in power against a modern current of fear and an environment of many interventions.We are grandmothers, mothers, sisters, midwives, aspiring midwives, doulas, nurses, doctors, yoga teachers, psychiatrists, pharmacists, energy and body workers, ministers and anyone else who cares deeply about simple and sacred birth.

We are here to help her:

-Nourish her body, baby and spirit with support,  encouragement and inspiration

-Bathe in a sense of belonging

-Trust her intuition

-Strengthen her confidence in her body – that it has all the  right answers

-Believe in herself

-Do it her way

-Speak her Truth

-Find a place of peace to make her own decisions
We do this through sharing a nutritious vegetarian lunch, talking circle, stories, meditation, and more.

Pregnant women please join us on:

Feb 28th  at 1:30pm 

Free Class

Live Love Flow Yoga – Madison Valley Seattle.

If you want to bring a beloved elder woman in your life please do! We ask that the she bring a vegetarian potluck dish to share. Please have her contact Colette, who is organizing the shared lunch, by email (colette@seattleholisticcenter.com).